Ship and Yacht Weather Routing Services

Basic Ship and Yacht Weather Routing Services

Ship Weather Routing

Ship and Yacht Weather Routing

Ocean weather routing (Optimum ship routing) provides for a “best route” for ocean transits based on the existing weather forecasts, ship characteristics, ocean currents and special cargo requirements. For most transits this will mean the minimum transit time that avoids significant risk to the vessel, crew and cargo. Other routing considerations might include passenger comfort, fuel savings or schedule keeping. The goal is not to avoid all adverse weather but to find the best balance to minimize time of transit and fuel consumption without placing the vessel at risk of weather damage or crew injury.

A preliminary routing message is transmitted to the master of a vessel prior to departure with a detailed forecast of expected storm tracks, an initial route proposal with reasoning behind the recommendation or plus any alternate routes to be considered. In addition a forecast of the expected weather conditions to be encountered along that route (wind, sea and swell). This allows the master to better plan his route and offers an opportunity to communicate with the routing service any special concerns that he or she might have due to special cargo requirements or ship condition. Once the vessel departs, the vessel’s progress is monitored closely with weather and route updates sent as needed, on average, about every 2-3 days.

Learn more about the benefits of ship routing here:

Contact us for pricing

About Fred Pickhardt

I am a marine meteorologist and sailed briefly with American Export Lines in the Far East trade after graduating from State University of New York Maritime College. I have extensive experience in weather analysis, weather forecasting, optimum ship routing, vessel performance evaluations and forensic weather event reconstructions. I founded Ocean Weather Services and as Owner and Chief Consultant currently provide optimum ship routing services and forensic marine weather reports to the maritime industry.
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